Meet Four Future Scientists: MSSM Science Camp Scholarship Recipients

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BioME funds four scholarships for middle schoolers to attend the Maine School of Science and Mathematics summer camp

We are excited to announce that Bioscience Association of Maine is awarding four scholarships to Maine middle school students. These enthusiastic students will attend a 1-week-long summer science camp at the Maine School of Science and Mathematics (MSSM). All 4 awardees attend a school that participated in ME Bioscience Day 2020. The goal of the MSSM Summer Science Camp Scholarship and ME Bioscience Day is to get students excited about science, while also bringing awareness to the career opportunities within Maine life sciences industry.

Meet Four Future Scientists: MSSM Science Camp Scholarship Recipients

Liam Rhorer

Liam will be a 7th grader at Bath Middle School in September. You can usually find Liam at the basketball courts, on the soccer field, curled up reading fantasy novels, playing his saxophone, on his bike or solving brain twister math problems his Papa likes to share with him. Math is his favorite subject in school, but science is a close second. Ever since Liam was young, he has always loved to tinker. From Lego robotics to building engines to soldering electronic bugs… Liam loves to make things move. Liam has 2 dogs and a brother who shares his love math and science.

Alice Ziegler

Alice will be an 8th grader at Molly Ockett Middle School this year.  She has loved math and science her whole life.   Outside of school, she took classes and obtained her amateur radio license (call sign W1ASZ).  She is also working on a project with the University of Maine and her dad to send a balloon around the world. She wants to be a biologist when she grows up and learn all about DNA with the goal of cloning extinct animals to bring them back to life.  Alice enjoys being outside, running, biking, hiking, and cooking.  She also likes to play her flute, clarinet, and guitar with her school music programs.

Saihajpreet Kohli

Saihaj will be an 8th grader at Falmouth Middle School in Fall 2021. The intricacies of math and biology fascinate him in many ways. While his school coursework has exposed him to many of these topics, he finds himself eager to continue exploring questions he doesn’t yet understand. What is the genome? How does all of our genetic information fit in DNA? How can we use math to model the way biological processes work? When he is not researching or learning about a new science topic, he loves playing trombone and gaming.

The 4th scholarship is going to Kaylee Whitman from Ashland District School.

About MSSM

MSSM is a specialized school located in Limestone, Maine. Their Summer Camp program provides middle schoolers an opportunity to continue their education, discover new opportunities, and inspire their academic journey. Students attend camp with like-minded peers, and are guided by a dedicated faculty who share their passion for STEM. MSSM inspires young minds to pursue their favorite subjects through innovative and interactive classes and outdoor activities.

About ME Bioscience Day

ME Bioscience Day is a statewide event that focuses on educating Maine’s youth about different career paths and opportunities within the life sciences industry in Maine. Typically, professionals in these fields volunteer to visit local middle school classrooms to talk with students about their career in science, their daily tasks, and the opportunities that are available in such careers. In 2020, ME Bioscience Day was held virtually, allowing us to expand our reach to over 5,100 students from 46 middle schools across Maine. Students that attended any of these 46 schools were eligible to apply for the MSSM Summer Science Camp Scholarship.

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